It is then added to the base amount determined by the child support calculator. Adding each parent's monthly net income together determines their combined disposable income. The state uses this figure to establish a parent's basic monthly obligation or how much they are expected to spend on their children each month. Florida has an income level table that determines the amount of child support for a given number of children.
The main figure used to calculate support is the income of both parents. Certain expenses are also included in the calculation, such as taxes, health insurance, and employment-related childcare costs. A popular misconception is that household expenses can be used to reduce support. In general, that is not true.
Online calculators are available to help calculate child support amounts. To find an online calculator, use your preferred online search engine and search for the term Florida Child Support Calculator. The estimates in these online calculators are for informational purposes only. A court or agency can look at factors that are not part of your estimation.
The starting point in any child support calculation is to determine the net income of each parent. In other words, the parent who pays child support to the other is not entitled to a tax deduction for the payments made, and the parent who receives the payments does not pay income taxes on the child support payments received. Use the child support calculator above to calculate your payment amount using Florida's standard formula. If there is a requirement for alimony, the court must determine if the other partner can facilitate child support payments.
If a parent fails to comply with court-ordered visitation or timeshare schedules, child support payment amounts can be adjusted. In addition to previous child support calculations, courts may also order one or both parents to pay specific expenses. The DOR Child Support Program automatically opens its own child support case for divorced parents who receive public assistance and for single parents who apply for public assistance. The Florida child support calculator determines the amount of payments, the majority parent and the non-majority partner.
The resulting percentage is multiplied by the monthly need for child support to determine the dollar amount the parent is responsible for. There are several child support calculators that can estimate child support obligations if the basic information about the parties' income is known. No two cases are identical, so it's important to have the right legal guidance to understand your child support rights and responsibilities. Once a child support order has been entered, it can only be changed if one parent shows a “substantial and ongoing change in circumstances.” In a nutshell, the noncustodial parent is authorized to pay the custodial parent monthly child support that varies between 40% and 60% based on their income estimates, under Florida family law.